Beauty, together with art and taste, is the main subject of aesthetics, one of the major branches of philosophy. As a positive aesthetic value, it is contrasted with ugliness as its negative counterpart. Beauty is commonly described as a feature of objects that makes these objects pleasurable to perceive. Such objects include landscapes, sunsets, humans and works of art.

This would suggest that the standards of validity of judgments of beauty are intersubjective, i.e. dependent on a group of judges, rather than fully subjective or fully objective. Because of its subjective side, beauty is said to be "in the eye of the beholder". It has been argued that the ability on the side of the subject needed to perceive and judge beauty, sometimes referred to as the "sense of taste", can be trained and that the verdicts of experts coincide in the long run. One difficulty in understanding beauty is because it has both objective and subjective aspects: it is seen as a property of things but also as depending on the emotional response of observers.

Other conceptions include defining beautiful objects in terms of their value, of a loving attitude towards them or of their function. Hedonist conceptions see a necessary connection between pleasure and beauty, e.g. Classical conceptions define beauty in terms of the relation between the beautiful object as a whole and its parts: the parts should stand in the right proportion to each other and thus compose an integrated harmonious whole. Conceptions of beauty aim to capture what is essential to all beautiful things. that for an object to be beautiful is for it to cause disinterested pleasure.


Beauty is usually categorized as an aesthetic property besides other properties, like grace, elegance or the sublime. Beauty, together with art and taste, is the main subject of aesthetics, one of the major branches of philosophy. Beauty is often listed as one of the three fundamental concepts of human understanding besides truth and goodness. As a positive aesthetic value, beauty is contrasted with ugliness as its negative counterpart.

This tension is sometimes referred to as the "antinomy of taste". David Hume, for example, suggests that this faculty can be trained and that the verdicts of experts coincide in the long run. Adherents of both sides have suggested that a certain faculty, commonly called a sense of taste, is necessary for making reliable judgments about beauty. The source of this debate is that judgments of beauty seem to be based on subjective grounds, namely our feelings, while claiming universal correctness at the same time. Objectivists or realists see beauty as an objective or mind-independent feature of beautiful things, which is denied by subjectivists.

It has been suggested that the beauty of a thing supervenes on the sensory features of this thing. Beauty plays a central role in works of art and nature. Beauty is mainly discussed in relation to concrete objects accessible to sensory perception. It has also been proposed that abstract objects like stories or mathematical proofs can be beautiful.

A thing has dependent beauty if its beauty depends on the conception or function of this thing, unlike free or absolute beauty. Examples of dependent beauty include an ox which is beautiful as an ox but not beautiful as a horse or a photograph which is beautiful, because it depicts a beautiful building but that lacks beauty generally speaking because of its low quality. An influential distinction among beautiful things, according to Immanuel Kant, is that between dependent and free beauty.

But trust us, by following some easy beauty tips for face at home, it can be attainable. Soft, clear and glowing skin is a dream we’ve all been chasing ever since we hit puberty. While acne and blemishes don’t ever seem to leave us; weather changes bring along their own set of skin concerns! Yes, it can be a struggle to flaunt flawless skin all day every day.


     Wash your face twice a day

     Washing your face should not be compromised, no matter what. It helps get rid of impurities and grime.


·        Drink water

     Dry skin is more prone to wrinkling. As water is lost in large quantities every day, you need to replace it by drinking two to three litres of water daily. Lack of hydration will show on your skin as it will make it appear dry, tight and flaky.


·        Wear sunscreen

    Sunscreen protects your skin from harmful UV rays and prevents wrinkles, spots and skin cancer. 


·        Massage your face

     It tightens the skin and lifts your facial muscles. It acts as an anti-ageing treatment and gives you a youthful glow. Facial massage is a natural way to relieve stress. This is an amazing beauty tip for face as it stimulates collagen production.


·        Get enough sleep

     No, beauty sleep is not a myth. Sleeping rebalances your body’s hydration and keeps your skin healthy.


·        Use a face mask

     DIY face mask is an easy and instant way to achieve healthy skin like a papaya mask for glowing skin or a turmeric mask for acne.


·        Use a clean pillowcase

     Dirty pillowcases tend to harbour a lot of grime, oil and bacteria from your hair, skin and shirt, and can cause your skin to break out.


·        Remove makeup before hitting the sheets

     Before you decide to sleep with all your makeup on, here’s a reminder that it can worsen your skin and clog pores. It can also lead to a collagen breakdown and quicken premature ageing.


·        Exfoliation is a must

     It encourages blood circulation which is needed for an even skin tone and smooth texture.


·        Don’t pop your pimples

     Popping pimples may be tempting but it’s the biggest crime you’re committing. You are not just inviting bacteria but also scars to your face.


·        Clean your makeup brushes regularly

     Dirty makeup brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria. When these come in contact with your face, it leads to clogged pores, breakouts and several other skin infections. One of the easiest beauty tips for face is to avoid unwashed makeup brushes.


·        Work out regularly

     It clears toxins from the body, cleansing the skin from the inside. While most of us work out to stay fit, it is also a way to achieve glowing skin! Exercising regularly increases blood flow to the skin cells, neutralising the harmful effects of oxidative stress.


·        Keep your hands off your face

      Our hands collect a lot of dirt throughout the day and when we touch our face with them, we end up transferring the bacteria onto our face.


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